USA Workout Of the Day

Making Cincinnati Strong

Fitness Tracking

Ditch the pen and paper. With Wodify you can track your workouts and nutrition from our kiosk or on your phone. Enter results, search you workout history and meet your goals.


USAWOD offers free ROMWOD classes twice a day. ROMWOD stands for Range Of Motion Workout Of the Day. These 15-30 minute sessions are designed to increase range of motion, optimize athletic performance, and promote recovery, healing, and longevity.

Weekly Community Class

New to fitness? Want to bring a friend? USAWOD holds a a class every Saturday morning that is open to the public and family and friends of current clients. Give it a try. The worst thing that could happen is you get fitter.

Getting Started

Sign up for a 1 week free trial to see what USAWOD is all about

Sign Up

Meet Our Trainers

Here’s a few of the faces that make USAWOD and Ohio Weight Lifting Club a great place to train. Cincinnati’s most diverse and elite group of trainers.

David Pertuset

Owner / Operator
Level 2 Trainer
Kids Trainer
Coaching the Aging Athlete Certificate
Competitors Certificate
Endurance Certificate
Gymnastics Certificate
Judges Certificate
Kettlebell Certificate
Mobility Certificate
Rowing Certificate
Strongman Certificate
Weightlifting Certificate
Nutrition Certificate
Running Certificate
Programming Certificate
Scaling Certificate

Ashley Pertuset

Owner / Operator
Level 2 Trainer
Judges Certificate

Dominic Chiodi

Mobility Certificate
Goruck – GRT

Annamarie Keller

Level 2 Trainer
Lesson Planning Certificate
Scaling Certificate
Spot the Flaw Certificate

Gina Fennell

Level 1Trainer
200 Hour RYT- Yoga

Patrick Fitzgerald

1 Trainer

Drew Boyd

Level 1 Trainer

Holland Tolliver

Level 1 Trainer

Kyle Lucas

Level 1 Trainer

Jack Stemmler

Level 1 Trainer

Chris Wasik

Level 1 Trainer

Kim Chiodi

Level 1 Trainer

Jared Robinson

Level 2 Trainer
Judges Certificate
Lesson Planning Certificate
Scaling Certificate
Spot the Flaw Certificate
Weightlifting Certificate

Josh Gumbert

Level 2 Trainer

Carson Morey

Level 2 Trainer
Endurance Certificate
Kettlebell Certificate
Mobility Certificate
